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New Rules for Selling Houses in 2024: Seizing Opportunities in the Real Estate Market
New Rules for Selling Houses in 2024: Seizing Opportunities in the Real Estate Market 旧金山
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  • 都市报
  • New Rules for Selling Your Home
  • US Property Market
  • Housing Opportunities
Abstract: With the decline in interest rates and increased market activity, sellers need to invest in renovations to enhance property appeal and maintain a flexible negotiation approach. Seizing current opportunities may allow you to sell your house at a reasonable price and gain more choices and negotiation space when buying a property.

In 2023, many homeowners decided to temporarily halt the sale of their homes due to the impact of high interest rates. Buyers faced the dual pressure of high mortgage rates and soaring property prices, leading to a sluggish and almost stagnant real estate market.

As mortgage rates decline, buyers gradually return to the market, some with a vengeance. The release of pent-up demand makes 2024 an optimal time for selling houses.

However, significant changes have occurred in the real estate market since last year. If you want to sell your house quickly, it is essential to be aware of the latest market trends. I will now introduce you to some outdated selling rules and improved guidelines to help you make the most of the real estate market this year.

In 2023, due to insufficient market demand, many buyers focused only on affordability and discounts, forcing sellers to accept lower offers. However, as mortgage rates decrease, more buyers enter the market, and sellers face more competitive bids.

In Orange County, California, real estate agent Max Carl reports multiple bidding wars in his market. He states, "Just last week, we saw bidding wars for three different homes in the local community. Each home's offer was $50,000 to $100,000 higher than the asking price. While these amounts may not be significant compared to Orange County home prices, it indicates a trend: the market seems to be heating up with declining interest rates."

In the past, due to a shortage of housing supply, buyers were often not picky about old kitchens or unfinished basements. Even houses in poor condition could attract buyer interest, so some sellers did not spend much time preparing the property for listing.

New Rules for Selling Houses in 2024: Seizing Opportunities in the Real Estate Market

However, with more buyers entering the market, sellers now need to invest in renovations before listing. Cedric Stewart from the Washington, D.C.-based real estate firm Entourage RG emphasizes, "Sellers need to ensure their homes are in the best condition. You want your house to show its best side and focus on the most important things."

Some valuable updates include improving landscaping, replacing flooring, and fixtures.

Carl also agrees, stating that buyers are becoming more discerning. He says, "To stand out in this year's fierce competition, homes must be both attractive and competitive."

In the past, due to an inactive market, sellers were often forced to lower prices. However, in 2024, sellers may not need to quickly lower their expectations as before.

Real estate agents Cindy Allen in Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas, recently encountered a case where a couple lost an opportunity because the seller lacked patience. When the couple discussed the details of the offer, the seller suddenly lowered the price. Allen recalls, "The listing price was lower than the price we had originally planned. I contacted the listing agent, and they told me that after the house had been on the market for 40 days, the seller became impatient."

Florida real estate agent Jonathan Spears says that an increase in buyers in the market gives sellers some room for negotiation. Therefore, if the offered price does not meet your expectations, or if there are some conditions important to you missing (such as a longer closing date), do not hesitate to negotiate immediately instead of simply accepting the offer.

In the high-interest-rate environment, many sellers are hesitant. However, now is a good time to sell: interest rates are not excessively high, and the market has not fully accelerated.

Spears states, "We are returning to a market where you can still sell your home at a very reasonable price. If you decide to buy again, you will have more choices and negotiation power than ever before. It's a rare opportunity where you can sell at a high price and buy at a low price, thanks to factors like quality and supply."

However, this situation will not last long. If sellers wait until spring to list their homes, they may face a crowded market.

Carl warns, "If interest rates continue to decline, competition may become more intense. Time will pass quickly."

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New Rules for Selling Houses in 2024: Seizing Opportunities in the Real Estate Market
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