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Vibrant Palm Springs time capsule hits the market for $2.2 million
Vibrant Palm Springs time capsule hits the market for $2.2 million 旧金山
By   Tiffani Sherman
  • 都市报
  • Property
  • Buying a house
  • Property presentation
Abstract: Almost everything is included in the sale of this dazzling candy-coloured time capsule in Palm Springs, California.

"Most of the furnishings and decor are original to when it was first built in 1969," explains listing agent Klint Watkins of Berkshire Hathaway Home Services California Properties." Throughout its history, everything has been very well maintained."


The plush property last sold in 2019 for $1.15 million. It then came back on the market the following year for $1,969,000. Then, in January 2023, the price actually increased to $2,299,000.


In March, the offer dropped by $100,000 to its current price of $2,199,000.


The list price for this three-bedroom, three-bathroom residence includes everything inside.


"All the furniture and most of the gadgets are included," Watkins said." When [the seller] purchases the house, all the knick-knacks stay with the house."


The current owners have owned the 3,350 square foot home since August 2019. They have lived in the house all their lives and have also used it as a rental.


In the past, the house has even been the backdrop for various artistic creations.


"There have been a lot of music videos and different kinds of filming and photography," Watkins said." It's building a history now."


The family that built it owned the place for many years and has only added two owners since then.


"Everyone who comes into the place sees it as something they need to keep intact because it really is a time capsule," Watkins says, adding that the current owners have invested heavily in mechanical aspects such as a solar system, new air conditioning units and double-paned windows.


At home, it's the vivid shades that attract the most attention.


"People are struck," says Watkins, "by the originality of everything and the wildness of the place." The pink room appealed to everyone. Everyone fell in love with the pink room."


Naturally, there is also a pink bathroom.


"The bath is a terrazzo bath poured in the middle [of the bathroom], so that's for life," Watkins says with a laugh, adding that the room is carpeted - except for the toilet area, which is tiled.


The pink room opens onto the pool area, as does the blue guest suite on the other side of the house.


The bright green formal living room is circular in shape, with floor-to-ceiling windows, chandeliers and furniture built specifically for that room.


The green dining room has a similar carpet and window treatments.


Watkins notes that the carpet in the blue room is new, but the pink and green carpets are original.


"They are in very good shape," he says." All the carpets are very plush."


Although most of the décor is original, the kitchen is new. It was installed when the house appeared in a 2018 Netflix episode called "Staying Put."


Watkins says his favourite room in the house isn't the one with the most colour.


"It's Tom Jones' room, the one with all the panelling," he said." It's a study and it's so cosy. It had a bar, a fireplace, jukebox, TV, and white plush carpet. It's just very nice and just comfortable to hang out in."

The home is on the market in 2020 and at a lower price in 2019 as well.

"The market has gone up significantly here," Watkins explains." The price per square foot we're listing is a very good price for something in the area, in that square footage."


However, the house and its gorgeous colour palette may require a unique buyer.


"It will be someone who likes to show off and something different, not just a biscuit cutter, but something that stands out more," says Watkins." These types of buyers tend to have a bit of an eccentric side of their own. They have a bit of a flair for style and fashion and that sort of thing."

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Vibrant Palm Springs time capsule hits the market for $2.2 million
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