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US Rent Prices Decline for 11 Consecutive Months: Where Are the Biggest Drops?
US Rent Prices Decline for 11 Consecutive Months: Where Are the Biggest Drops?
In the US rental market, trends are shifting as rent prices have been decreasing for eleven consecutive months. According to a recent report by Realtor.com®, the median rent in June for the 50 largest metropolitan areas was $1,743, a decrease of $7 from June 2023.
Jul 19, 2024
US Rent Prices Decline for 11 Consecutive Months: Where Are the Biggest Drops?
US Rent Prices Decline for 11 Consecutive Months: Where Are the Biggest Drops?US Rent Prices Decline for 11 Consecutive Months: Where Are the Biggest Drops?
Jul 19, 2024
An in-depth look at the cost of buying a home: it's not just the price of the home, but also these key expenses!
An in-depth look at the cost of buying a home: it's not just the price of the home, but also these key expenses!An in-depth look at the cost of buying a home: it's not just the price of the home, but also these key expenses!
Jul 13, 2024
Housing Affordability Hits Lowest Point Since 2007
Housing Affordability Hits Lowest Point Since 2007Housing Affordability Hits Lowest Point Since 2007
Jul 4, 2024
The Truth Behind 0% Down Payments: Hidden Costs in the Path to Homeownership
The Truth Behind 0% Down Payments: Hidden Costs in the Path to HomeownershipThe Truth Behind 0% Down Payments: Hidden Costs in the Path to Homeownership
Jun 25, 2024
The Deep Impact of Mortgage Rate Lock-In Effect on U.S. Home Sales
The Deep Impact of Mortgage Rate Lock-In Effect on U.S. Home SalesThe Deep Impact of Mortgage Rate Lock-In Effect on U.S. Home Sales
Jun 13, 2024
Singapore Luxury Property Market: Decreased Sales, Stable Prices
Singapore Luxury Property Market: Decreased Sales, Stable PricesSingapore Luxury Property Market: Decreased Sales, Stable Prices
May 30, 2024
Mortgage Rates Drop Below 7%: Spring Homebuyers Get an Unexpected Boost
Mortgage Rates Drop Below 7%: Spring Homebuyers Get an Unexpected BoostMortgage Rates Drop Below 7%: Spring Homebuyers Get an Unexpected Boost
May 24, 2024
The U.S. Real Estate Market: Continued Rise in Home Prices
The U.S. Real Estate Market: Continued Rise in Home PricesThe U.S. Real Estate Market: Continued Rise in Home Prices
May 21, 2024
U.S. Homes for Sale Reach Four-Year High!
U.S. Homes for Sale Reach Four-Year High!U.S. Homes for Sale Reach Four-Year High!
May 17, 2024
What do renters think about the prospect of buying a home?
What do renters think about the prospect of buying a home?What do renters think about the prospect of buying a home?
May 7, 2024
The Impact of Rising Insurance Costs on Housing Prices and the Real Estate Market, and Response Strategies
The Impact of Rising Insurance Costs on Housing Prices and the Real Estate Market, and Response StrategiesThe Impact of Rising Insurance Costs on Housing Prices and the Real Estate Market, and Response Strategies
Apr 30, 2024
Number of Million-Dollar Cities in the United States Reaches a New Historical High
Number of Million-Dollar Cities in the United States Reaches a New Historical HighNumber of Million-Dollar Cities in the United States Reaches a New Historical High
Apr 23, 2024
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